Jan 13, 2008


There is another man in Gia's life and his name is Sal. Sal is a bit of a grumpy old man. He's got only one eye, and that one doesn't work as well as it used to. He's lost a lot of fur over the years, so that entire patches of his body (especially around his nose) have become shiny and smooth.

He sleeps with Gia every night.

I don't even sleep with Gia every night. But there are some creature comforts that I just can't provide...Sal, however, is up to the task.

It's one of my favorite bits o' Weird Girlfriend Behavior (as opposed to Weird Kitty Behavior) that Gia displays. Here's the drill: She has had this motley little stuffed animal since she was 18 years old. It replaced another stuffed animal that she had since time began that either got lost or was thrown away while she was at college, I forget that part. Every night, every nap, every time she lays down to rest she has to have Sal near so that she can rub him all over her face, neck and upper chest. That's why his fur is missing in spots. From 23 years of lightly rubbing him all over her face.

It's a comfort thing. Whenever we go away, I suggest that she brings Sal with us so that she can fall asleep comfortably. She usually responds in horror "but what if I lose him? I wouldn't know what to do!". She's serious. She needs this little hunk o' fur like I need yummy Belgian beers.

It's also truly odd. She kinda blows lightly on him, ya know...to cool him off, then she lightly brushes him all over her face. The worst is when he falls behind the bed and she has a moment of panic before we locate him. Or if he lands on the baseboard heating. Because he needs to be cold. That's part of his charm.

He's, um, a cute little fella. Right?


TK Kerouac said...

My sons girlfriend has an old ragdoll she sleeps with. I tried leaving the house with it one day and she freaked.
Something to do with childhood...I don't know
I gave up my booboo black kittie at the age of 5.

I've linked you to my new blog

welcome to tkcensored.blogspot.com

Kat said...

I have a pink teddy that my uncle gave me when I was 2. But he sleeps in the nightstand now.

Verdant Earl said...

TK - and you are duly linked as well.

Kat - Wow...I started reading that comment about a pink teddy and it went in a totally different direction that I thought it was going to go in.

Elise said...

I have a teddy bear that I love! He's name is Ted and he's been with me since I was a baby.

Admitt it... you have something special too.


Slyde said...

cute? I cant even tell what the fuck it IS from those pictures...

it looks like a stuffed sock with a button sowed on it...

Verdant Earl said...

Elise - Does a pillow that I've had for 3 months count as something special?

Slyde - It's supposed to be a dog...I think. But yeah, it looks like a stuffed sock with a button sewed on it.

elizabeth said...

Don't make fun of Gia. I'm not saying that I do or I do not sleep with a stuffed dalmation tucked up under my neck. I'm just not gonna say. So don't ask.

Bruce Johnson said...

Said it before, say in it again....women are strange.

(then again, I behave the same way around my car.)

Suzi Q said...

I too have a snuggle blanket that goes everywhere with me. If I don't have it I don't sleep...

FourLeafClover said...

We're all still babies. :)

Verdant Earl said...

Liz - one of the benefits of being with some is to make fun of them anonymously on the internet. So get going, eh?

Lotus - we all have our stupid shit that we find important. Just haven't found my stupid shit yet.

Paige - See, but Gia won't take Sal with her everywhere for fear of losing him.

Verdant Earl said...

4leaf - Oh, I agree. I have a closet full of comic books to back up that point.

jiggs said...

you are right. this is weird girlfriend behavior.

elizabeth said...

I'M NOT GOING ANYWHERE. Muah ahahahahahah. So there. ;-P

Mermaid Melanie said...

I have never been much for stuffed animals, dolls etc. Too much twilight zone as a kid.
