OK, you have to clicky on the picky to make it go biggy. But even then it is kinda small. I think the dude who designed it is named Dodgie Horner, but it's late and my eyes hurt from researching the umlaut bands. Could easily be Doogie Howser.
Anyway, I found it at GorillaMask so I will give them the huzzah. Huzzah, I say to thee GorillaMask.
Um, Heff? What category would BUTLIK fall in?
Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. All the headbangers are doing it.
Nice names! Blue Oyster Cult Heavy Metal?? Shit I'm old!
Puff-Puff Pass!!
Happy Frickin Chilly Minnesota Tuesday
- Jennifer
Easy - Faulkner references, Corn Cob Rape. There's actually an inside joke there. My last name is "Falkner".
Jenn - I remember them being Soft White Underbelly...before and after they were Blue Oyster Cult. Yikes!
Heff - Nice!
that must have taken alot of work for someone will alot of time on their hands...
Slyde - or just a complete love of all things metal!
I'll have to go take a look at Revelations again... I think I missed the part with Mexican Santa.
Ookami - it's right there. You just have to look at it sideways while wasted on tequila.
what?!? that chart is awesome... i'm going to have to print it out for the B-rad. thanks dude.
ps - did you watch Metal: A Headbangers Journey, or Global Metal yet?
Diva - No, but I think Gia did. She is way more into Metal than I could ever hope to be.
Umm, yeah. I don't get any of this. I may need a tutor, but I'm a good learner.
I'm just glad Heff's not associated with any satanic shit or deadly mispelling stuff. Although I'm a little concerned about this "corn cob rape" thing..
Candy -" With a band name like Butlik, it's GOT TO BE GOOD !
Candy - you don't think Butlik could be filed under badass misspellings? How do you spell it? ;)
Heff - that's a good tagline if I ever heard one!
I'm frightened!!
What else is new??
My word verification was theaorger!! That could be a good metal band name right???
It's all a matter of perspective. On certain individuals Butlik would be a deadly thing.
Manowar snubbed for Viking rock? WTF
This buddy - they are represented under Animals, Real. Just going by the name, I guess. Not the music they play.
I would say that the triple Umlaut catagory is ripe for the picking.
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