If you are anything like me, then your right pinky toe hurts like hell because you slammed it into a stupid box of crap that sits outside of your bathroom. And you have a huge zit on your cheek that no 40+ year old should ever wake up with. Oh, and you love the show MythBusters.
Well, I don't really love it. I like it a lot. I'm not gonna take it to the prom or anything. But I like the idea of a couple of dudes trying to prove or disprove urban legends and myths. Even if those two dudes sometimes annoy the crap outta me. I like the odd facial hair on the dude that wears the beret, but let me just stress the last part of that statement. HE WEARS A BERET!
Sometimes the show takes too long for my ADD lifestyle. Stop going to commercial break and just let me know if it's possible to shoot someone when they are swimming underwater. I might need to know that shit. Like right now, fuckers!
So it was with great joy that I was pointed to the MythBusters Results site by the cool kids over at Gorilla Mask. It lets you know how each one of their devious experiments turns out. And you don't have to sit through a buttload of commercials for EDD. Unless you're into that kinda thing. Sicko!
i enjoy a good mythbusters, but they haven't been showing new episodes recently. I also used to sell shirts that were mythbusters related until those fuckers at discovery shut me down.
I also love this show. One Sunday they had a Mythbusters marathon on tv and I watched it ALL day! I'm a total dork stick.
Love this show. Ever see the one where they put a giant dead pig in a car and locked it in a storage locker? That was awesome.
That's a very good site! Awesome.
Even worse, I really love MXC. You know, the Japanese game show that's voiced-over in English to be all about 14 year-old poop-boobs-masturbation humor?
Yeah, I loves me my MXC.
Jiggs - Damn the Man!
Paige - I've done the same thing, fellow dork. ;)
Liz - I saw that one, but I forget what they were trying to do. Something about the gases from a dead body causing an explosion or something.
Avi - It's like cliff notes for MythBusters. Nice!
Steph - As Kevin Smith so often remids us, ain't nothing funnier than shit (boobs) and dick jokes! Nice new avatar, by the way.
I stick around for the ones involving car crashes and gunfire, (i.e. all of them), but the other night we're wathcing a baseball game and a commercial comes on for one of the EDD drugs and my 10 year old son collapses in hysterics at the idea that anyone would want a drug that gave them a "boner".
wait 40 years kid.
Limpy - I'm a little horrified to think that I would ever need a drug to give me wood, but I would be a big more horrified if one didn't exist.
You see what I did there? ;)
Cool. I don't have the patience to really search the site but I'm glad such a place exists. I may need to look something up one day.
ajooja - Exactly! I probably won't spend much time on it at all, but I may jump to it if I catch myself watching an old re-run and I wanna know how it ends. ;)
i cant look at these guys the same way, since those pics came out over the internet about the beret guy..... yuck..
Slyde - And when you say "the same way" you mean you lust after them, right? And I think it was the other guy...and it was photoshopped. Something to do with goatse, I think.
Love the concept, hated the execution. There is TV for smart people and there is TV for idiots. Like any good concept, Survivor, The Bachlorette, Dancing with the Stars, I get totally and excessivelyl frustrated when someone has to announce of decision that there is 45 seconds of 'anxiety' building music before they actually read the result. Aggghhhh, give me a break. That gets OLD people. Just push a button, have a trap door open up underneith the LOSER and move on with the show.
The best example of this is "Wipeout"...love the show, fast paced and painful to watch, you wittle down 24 people in one hour to one winner...COOL. After that comes "I Survived a Japanese Game Show" which sucks, because they try and ADD so much drama to it and it takes a whole season to wittle down 20 people....WRONG
Myth Busters is the same way, it is 10 minutes of content stretched to an hour. I am so glad you found the results site, now I don't have to watch the damn thing anymore.
mythbusters has NOTHING on Top Gear
Lotus - your comment could have been my post except that I love Survivor, so eff off!!! With respect, y'all. ;)
Kiki - Wot's that? Eff Top Gear.
Sorry kidz...a little drunk tonight. :)
Naa..Survivor used to be good, but now it is just a Soap Oprea with Bikinis. I tape it, watch the challenges and just fast forward through all the drama and commericals. Takes me about 15 minutes to watch the show now.
Lotus - nothing wrong with a bikin-clad soap opera. And I know it has jumped the shark, but I still love it. I'm just waiting for Slyde to make it on...he keeps trying. Speaking of trying...any news on the Amazing Race?
Nada on the Race Around the World, I am sure we ended up in the dumpster behind the producers office like 99% of the applicants, but it was an enjoyable attempt.
Lotus - there's always next season.
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