You know you want it. So here it is. Long post yesterday, so today you get just a few bullets.
Ajoojapalooza-style! I kind of like that image there on the left of the bullet and the rose. I may make it my default image for any bullet-themed posts. What's that? You don't really care? Crap!
- I'm watching the MLB Home Run Derby on ESPN right now. It's the time of the year when you can root for your favorite slugger to absolutely ruin his swing for the second half of the season. I'm glad no Yankees are participating. I picked Grady Sizemore of the Cleveland Indians to win it all. I figured he would hit a bunch of cheap HRs in the short porch of Yankee Stadium's right field. Boy, was I wrong! Not about him winning...the contest just started. But Sizemore is hitting BOMBS! His last HR in the first round hit the Utz sign in the back of the right field bleachers. I've only seen one other guy hit that sign. Darryl Strawberry. Wow! Update: Nevermind. Josh Hamilton is just destroying the ball tonight. What a great story! He wound up losing to Justin Morneau, but what a show he put on in that first round!
- So you've never seen The Big Lebowski? Check out the entire movie in one glance right here. I'm thinking about this for my next tattoo. But I'm gonna have to find an artist who can draw reeeeeaaaaaaal small! Is my obsession with this film starting to get a little freaky? You betcha!
- For some reason I've been thinking about The Brady Bunch a lot lately. I've got a long post in mind about the lessons that can be learned by Mike, Carol, Alice and the kids. And the answer is "No". The question is "Do I have a life?" Thank you.
- I watched The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford last night. It was long...real long, but I loved it. I thought the performances, the cinematography and the pacing were all pretty special. Gia can't stand him, but I think Brad Pitt is a pretty amazing actor when he isn't being a smug prick. This was one of the films that I thought he was really good in.
- So ya know what album I bought on iTunes the other day? Van Halen II. I honestly have no idea what inspired me to do that. I was cleaning the house and I wanted to hear something loud and from my youth. This satisfied both cravings. I love side two which starts with "Light Up the Sky" and ends with "Beautiful Girls". It's as good as anything the band ever did.
Other than the Ocean's movies, Brad Pitt is rarely smug in his roles. That's one reason I like him - he doesn't mind taking weird or dark roles. He was good in TAJJBCRF, but I think the movie was a bit too slow - should have been edited a bit more, I think. Casey Affleck was better in Gone Baby Gone.
I share that obsession with The Big Lebowski. My idea is when bored or uncertain, watch The Big Lebowski (or Pulp Fiction).
Avi - I was thinking of the Ocean's films when I wrote that. Mr. & Mrs. Smith to a degree as well, even though I really liked that movie. I actually relished the slow pacing of the Jesse James flick. You knew where it was going, and the slow pacing made it almost painful to watch...in a good way. And Casey Affleck was great in both this and Gone Baby Gone. Did you ever see him and Damon in Gerry?
MikeB - I have both on DVD and I can watch Lebowski over and over and over again, while Pulp Fiction I really need to be in the mood to watch. Weird because I LOVED PF the first time I saw it and I HATED Lebowski the first time.
I haven't seen Gerry yet, no. I'll have to check it out.
Wait YOU were cleaning the house? And you think Brad Pitt is a smug prick (perfect description BTW). I think I'm a little bit in love with you... : )
Avi - strange film. Just the two of them lost in the desert. Interesting, nonetheless.
Paige - That's because I'm lovable! ;)
i have been wanting to see jesse james.. maybe ill pay per view it this weekend..
last week my dad told me that brad pitt is the one man in the world he would consider having sex with... i dont think i want to dwell on that...
Pitt and Casey Afleck are both really good in Jesse James, even though the story didn't do much for me.
Bottoms Up!
that's all.
Slyde - Brad Pitt told me the same thing about your Dad. Sounds like a match made in heaven.
ajooja - I can totally see how it might not be for some people. I really liked it though.
It doesn't come much louder or brings back youth than VH II.
Evyl - One might call it so good that its...evil? Mwahahaha!!!
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