Dec 27, 2008

One more Holiday gift (NSFW-ish)

I give you the gift of an illustrated explanation of EVERY sexual position known to, um, the people who made the list I guess. There are 6 different positions alone for a good old 69. That's stretching it a bit, I think. Whether you are on top, or your partner is on top or if you are's still 69. No need to call it something unique.

Anyway, I got tired just looking at this exhaustive list. Much less trying them all out. I don't think my body works that way any more. I don't mean "down there". That works just fine, thank you very much. I mean that a few of these positions requires that some of the rest of my body becomes more "bendy" than it normally is.

There are a few that look kinda fun. Excuse me...gotta go find Gia!

Courtesy of


Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. All the experimental jet set are doing it.


pure evyl said...

There are some damn good ones in there. As well as a few that look like could cause serious bodily harm.

Dr Zibbs said...

I like the one on the site called the Scarf.

Michelle said...

Sitting bull!!!

Oh my goodness i have to go now!!!

Kaye Waller said...

"Intersection"... we call that "Congress of the Old Farts".

Poppy said...

You rock. Seriously. How did you know I was looking for ways to become more City in the bedroom????

Dr Zibbs said...

This image has been burned into my memory. I just gave you a link my friend.

Mrs. Hall said...

They forgot "The Flying Squirrel" and the "Flying sauce pan".

Oh wait, maybe that's just what me and the mister call them


so funny!!


Mrs. Hall

Verdant Earl said...

Sickos! ;)

hello haha narf said...


Crys said...

that server is crazy busy...can't see a dang thing

Ms. Florida Transplant said...

Too bad I'm on my work computer...

Mind of MadMan said...

Ohhh... not this is unique.

Verdant Earl said...

Becky - yowza!

Crys - everyone wants to get in on ALL the positions. I still think they missed a few.

Ms. Fla - yeah, that might raise a few eyebrows. ;)

Madman - AND CARTOON TITTIES!!! ahem.

Anonymous said...

I'm deeply concerned about the man in Head to Toe (Missionary). It could snap right off!

Here via Dr.Z.

Heff said...

Dammit. I just made a mess. Has anyone got a towel ?!?

Greta said...

MOFO! I had to bookmark it.

Saucy Wildcat said...

Oh dear. I'm totally stealing this. Hope you don't mind.