According to a very scientific study by yours truly, I have found that I am much more likely to skip a blog entry if the site feed is truncated. Blogger, as well as other blog hosting sites, allows you to pick a full or shortened site feed. Or you can choose to turn it off all together. On the shortened feed you usually only get a few sentences in the feed reader.
Now I know the reason behind picking truncated feeds. You want people to actually visit your blog instead of just reading it in their feed reader. Some folks are very interested in their site statistics. And a lot of times we can't really catch the gist of the post from the first few words, so visiting the site is the only way to find out what the post is really about.
Doesn't work that way with me. I am more apt to just skip that post entirely, especially if I have a bunch of stuff in my reader that has built up over a period of a couple of days. Some bloggers occasionally will include a "this is an extended entry" disclaimer. I'm not talking about them because it doesn't happen very often and there is usually a good reason for it.
I'm not trying to get you to change the way you blog (of course I am). And I'm certainly not saying that my way is better than your way (of course it is). And in no way am I saying that my extremely scientific study can speak for anyone else (of course it does). I'm merely making an observation.
Do with it what you will. Which is to say "ignore this post." Thank you.
I'm gonna keep using this graphic until it stops making me laugh.
Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. All the best...
(get it?)
wait what? how does one know if the site feed is truncated or shortened.
ok, i'm a little lost here.
but, yes, so freakin good the chipotle. Good food, no freezer. They guy who started it really wanted a resturant like no other. Just fresh ingrediants done right.
just some tips though. the portions are prol'l enough for THREE or FOUR MEALS and the sour cream, fuckin a.
that being said, I have a thrice yearly date with chipotle, once a year date with buffalo wild wings resturant.
hee hee
ok if my feeds are not truncated than great :)
take care!!!
Holly - you can see how your site feed is in your Dashboard under Settings. Site Feed is the last option. Your feed isn't truncated, just so you know.
Great post. I'm encouraged to look at my settings now, something I rarely do.
That graphic still makes me laugh, by the way.
I agree... and I'd just like to add that some..............
I'm with you. I usually remove people from my feedreader who truncate their feeds.
Me too! Me too! I know this makes me snotty but...reading it through a feed reader (full post) allows me to see whether or not I want to comment. If I have nothing worthwhile to add, then I don't comment usually so it's a waste of time to click over, read, then think, "uh, right...nothing to say here".
Truncaters are arseholes. Am I right in assuming it's mostly those with ads who truncate for the purpose of revenue raising?
amen brother
a the fuck men!
i never read a blog just in the reader anyway.. i always clicky clicky to go to the site..
I'm the same way.
I have no idea what you are talking about. But then again, it's Monday!
Have a super week!!
- Jennifer
Yeah... I'm not a fan of truncated feeds at all. Do I keep them in the Feedreader? Sure... but then that blogger needs to write something Really compelling to get me to click through.
Yeah... good luck with that.
I always go to the site... I'm nosy. I like to snoop. xx
MikeB - don't think yours is.
Jimmy - And another thing...
Avitable - there are some blogs I really like that truncate their feeds, but I'm skipping posts more and more often now.
Hilly - That's EXACTLY how I read and decide to comment. Exactly!
AK - I dunno if that is the case. If it is, yikes!
Madge - Hallelujah!
Becky - Halle fucking lujah!
Slyde - really? That's amazing.
Uncool - looks like the majority of folks are as well.
Jenn - that's okay. I rarely know what I'm talking about myself.
Dawg - Yeah, it needs to be a real grabber. There are a handful of blogs in my reader that are truncated that I always read. And there a handful that need to pass the "grabber" test.
Elise - I used to. Now I have too many blogs in my reader. In fact, I have to re-check your feed. I haven't seen any new posts pop up in a while. I wonder if I deleted it when you stopped blogging a while back. Hmmm.
According to Google Reader, my feed should be the whole thing. I made sure to uncheck that truncated box
Yeah, I dont use the reader..I do the clicky thing too.
Umm, does my blog have junk in the truncated or whatever it is you were talking about???
Marty - I believe yours is always the full post.
Candy - have a truncated site feed. Yeah. So only the first sentence or two show up in feed readers. And as you can see from the comments above, no one really likes that.
I fucking hate truncated feeds.
I recently started asking those people (nicely) if they could change it. So far, all of them have done it except one, and they saif it wasn't possible with their format ... which sucks.
Oh no. Is mine set up the right way?
ajooja - I think this was my way of asking nicely. :)
Zibbs - I believe you are set up for full posts. I'll shoot you an email if I see your next post is truncated.
Not a clue what you are saying green man!!
I don't even use the reader, like ever! Am I truncated? WTF???
I want a veggie burrito! I don't even think there are any Chipotle's in brooklyn. That means i have to go to LI and I may bump into you!!! YIKES!!!
I'm fully in the "clueless" group today. Is my feed truncated or full?
Geez, that almost sounds perverted or something.
I don't use feeds. It feels like reading a friend's text message rather than paying them a visit. I also prefer books to magazines.
Mist - you are set up with a full feed. :)
of course, now we all want to know if we're truncated. am i??
Diva - you are one of the good eggs. Keep on rockin'!
I think my feed is truncated but that is because I found some imbecile stealing my content and supposedly that is supposed to deter them or at least make it harder. I may change back though thanks to your rotten attitude, I mean, input. ;) Now I just gotta figure out how to do that again.
Teeni - don't know how that would prevent them from stealing your content. They could just steal directly from your site. Sorry, but truncated feeds put me in a bad mood. ;)
You are missing the whole point are supposed to be posting and reading blogs the way I DO IT....not the other way around.
Bruce - Crap! I knew I was doing something wrong! ;)
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