Mar 3, 2025

Shouting into the void

I mean since I am off social media (for the most part) so no one is reading this blog anymore. It is just my way of shouting into the void. Hope it doesn't shout back!

I was thoroughly disgusted to be an American on Friday. Well I have been disgusted for a good long time now, but this time it was accompanied by anger. What that fat orange fuck and his mewling sidekick did to President Zelensky on Friday was a disgrace. That a sitting US President would engage in a set-up attack like that in front of our nation and a Russian journalist (who got a spot a the presser over anyone from AP or Reuters) is almost beyond imagining. 

This is the administration's way of backing out of any aid for Ukraine against Russia going forward. It is what Putin wants pure and simple. These assholes won't even publicly acknowledge that this war started WHEN RUSSIA INVADED UKRAINE! They can't even bring themselves to say it. Because to actually say it would mean they would have to remove their lips from Putin's rear end for a moment.

We are now the enemy of the free world. There is no other way to look at it. We made President Zelensky stronger than ever to his European and Canadian allies. The photo from the summit meeting in London this weekend with no Americans in sight is the lasting image I will have of this despicable display. 

I work with a MAGA guy. I asked him what he thought. He sighed and said "well they both were wrong". I asked him exactly what did Zelensky do wrong in that meeting and he said "he had a terrible attitude". What kind of attitude was he supposed to portray when he was invited to the White House and almost immediately attacked? Because he refused to drop a knee and thank Dear Leader for his support? Which he doesn't have and never had, by the way. He has always been Putin's puppet. And even Vance voted against the last aid package to Ukraine when he was in Congress. So why should he thank them? He has thanked the US and all of his allies countless times. But that was during the previous administration...that's what these guys think. Doesn't count. 

I am done being nice. If you think what these fucks did on Friday in the Oval Office was good for America, then you are spitting on ideals of what once made this country great. Standing up to bullies and dictators whenever they rear their ugly heads. 

Feb 27, 2025

Politics, Religion and Family

My brother is visiting us, well our mother, this weekend. We are a large family. Six kids. My parents were old-school Democrats but Catholic so they had that whole anti-abortion thing going for them. Never stopped them from voting Democrat their entire lives. My four sisters and I are all lefties...some more radical than others. My brother is the lone right-wing MAGA uber-Christian in the family. Sent me a pic of him and his wife toasting the convicted felon on the TV on Inauguration Day. Threw up in my mouth a little at that, but I just said "Boo!" and moved on. 

We are all getting together on Saturday with Mom and we will all dance around the subject of politics and how much our country is a heaping pile of trash these days. He Who Shall Not Be Named....well, he will not be named. At least by any of us. Sometimes he can't help himself. And if he does...boy howdy do I have a whole speech prepared in my head about the hypocrisy of Christians who support mass deportations, concentration camps, racism, corruption, fraud, convicted felons, insurrection and a host of other evils. Pro-Life, but only for fetuses. Fuck everyone after they are born, amirite?

Wish me luck? I guess?

Feb 14, 2025

Quid Pro Quo. I tell you things, you tell me things.

Uttered by the late great Hannibal Lecter in "Silence of the Lambs" A thoroughly evil man of great intelligence. Who never actually existed, by the way. 

Now we have our own version starring two thoroughly evil men of diminished intelligence. New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Felon-in-Chief Donald Trump. Last fall, Adams was indicted on multiple felony charges. He is a corrupt as hell dude who took money from foreign interests. Bribery, corruption, fraud...he is a man after Dear Leader's cold, cold heart. And as such, Derp Fuhrer has found a way to benefit from the situation. The DOJ, under Trump's direction, has instructed the US Attorney in NYC to drop the charges against Adams in a not so subtle way of having Adams help Trump out with his mass immigration deportation policy. Adams would divert city resources to that effort. The late great Hannibal Lecter would be proud. 

Except a ray of sunshine in an utterly dismal world has suddenly appeared in the form of Acting US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Danielle Sassoon. She, by the way, was a Trump appointee during his first term and is a registered Republican. She was the one that received the order from the DOJ to drop the charges against Adams. But she said...nah, I will resign before I do that. Because she knows he is guilty as hell and the order from the DOJ demand was clearly a favor. She stated in a letter to Attorney General Pam Bondi that the request was “inconsistent with my ability and duty to prosecute federal crimes without fear or favor and to advance good-faith arguments before the courts.” Good on her. But you know how these things go. She resigns and the next lackey-in-charge just tows the line and does what the administration wants them to do. 

Except not so fast there, bub! The DOJ accepted her resignation then suspended all of her deputies to investigate them for being...hard-working and honest public servants I guess. Then they moved the case from the US Attorney's office to the DOJ's Public Integrity Section. That will get them what they want, right? Wrong. The acting head of the Public Integrity Section also refused to dismiss the charges and resigned. Then it got moved to the DOJ's Criminal Division...whose acting head also refused to dismiss the charges and resigned. This is beautiful stuff right here. These three attorneys know that the decision to dismiss charges against Adams is corrupt as hell and they sure as hell know who and why the order was sent down. It is Adams's not-so-slow turn from corrupt Democrat to corrupt MAGA-crat. 

And no one should bear witness to such corruption. Not in the United States I grew up. Just ask Richard Nixon, Archibald Cox, Elliot Richardson or anyone involved in the infamous Saturday Night Massacre regarding the Watergate scandal. This was the turning point in that investigation. Nixon was clearly seen as trying to obstruct justice...just like Trump is doing here...and he resigned in shame before being impeached. 

Do I sense a similar outcome here? Nah. Convicted Felon Donald Trump has already been impeached (twice!) and was just elected a second time even though he is one of the most corrupt men in the entire fucking world. He is gonna continue destroying democracy in America, just like half of this country seemingly wanted when they elected to him. He may even find a way to run for a third term...because he just does what he wants and Congress and the Supreme Court are firmly in the pocket of his cadre of evil billionaires. 

But I will enjoy this brief ray of sunshine while it lasts.

Addendum: Even as I was writing this, an AUSA for the Southern District of New York named Hagan Scotten (a former clerk for Chief Justice Roberts!) has also resigned over this. In his resignation letter he wrote "If no lawyer within earshot of the President is willing to give him that advice, then I expect you will eventually find someone who is enough of a fool, or enough of a coward, to file your motion. But it was never going to be me."  Fuck and yeah!!!!

Jan 29, 2025

Dusting off the old blog. Maybe has been...holy shit! Nine years since I last posted something here. And yes, it is actually me and not someone who stole my account or anything. How can I prove that? Well if my nemesis Slyde posts a comment, we will get into our normal harmless fighting/sexplay that we always do. Told you it was me. Why am I coming back to Blogger? Simple, I have deleted several social media accounts that I used to post very infrequently on. Twitter and Facebook. Why did I delete them? Again simple, I don't like the owners of those companies and I am choosing not to support them by using their products. OK...I am still temporarily on Instagram which is owned by Zuck, but that may be going the wayside soon as well. So buckle up, kiddos. I'm back. Maybe.