Sep 19, 2011

Bad As Me

Tomskat has a new album coming out on 10/24.  "Bad As Me".  I literally can't wait.  Check out the title track down below here if the widget thing works.  Dig.

Tom Waits - Bad As Me by antirecords

And for a little Waitsian perspective on new music releases in the Internet Age, check out his Private Listening Party/teaser for the new album. Dig times two.


Verdant Earl said...

Hat tip to Uncool Kevin, by the way, for emailing me about this. I had seen it earlier, but I wouldn't have thought to post it here if he hadn't taken the time to contact me.

sybil law said...

Heeeeeeeelllllz yeeeeeesss!

Water Logged Canine said...

Your widget worked! Brilliant song.