Hey kids, I got a favor.
If you haven't visited my site in the past day or so, please pop in and let me know if you are having any issues with the page loading. There one person, who shall remain Slyde, who can't access my blog either at home or at work. But I haven't heard any problems from anyone else. Could be that he is just stupid.
Yeah, that's probably it.
If not, please let me know.
PS - Obviously you won't be able to leave a comment if you can't access the site. So email me at babyburke at aol dot com if you can't get in. Thanks!
No problems at all.
Slyde. He definitely has issues.
All good. I like the new layout too.
loaded in new, record breaking speed!
all good here, sugar! xoxoxo
No problems here. With your site, I mean.
i got in, but it took like over 5 minutes...
here's my out west "harumph"
No issues over here!
Fine viewing here...Using Chrome, if that matters any.
Working fine.
we love slyde and his issues!
Becky - Don't feed the Slyde. He'll only follow you home.
I'm finally getting caught up, so I'm a bit behind, but I'm just going to go with the fact that it's all Slyde. The site loads fine.
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