Every once in a while, scientists figure something out that is not only a break-through, but hilarious at the same time.
Case in point: It's a gas: dinosaur flatulence may have warmed Earth.
Now, I have no idea if dinosaur farts really warmed the Earth in the Mesozoic era, but that headline sure warmed my sick, little heart. There's lots of real science in that article. They calculated the effect of methane production from current numbers of cows, sheeps and pigs. Then they calculated the numbers and average size of dinosaurs living in the Mesozoic. From there they were able to calculate the amount of methane produced and the effect on the environment.
But I don't care about any of that. Because dinosaur farts are funny. And probably really awful. Imagine hanging with your dicky dinosaur friends. Just taking a drive to the movies of something. Suddenly the dino-driver rolls up all the windows and locks them. You all wait for a second, and then it hits you! Deadly dino-gas! The driver, of course, thinks it the funniest thing in the world. Because not only did they produce prodigious amounts of gas (probably), they also had tiny, tiny brains.
And we all know that creatures with tiny brains find a lot of humor in flatulence.
*It's a gas, gas, gas. Get it? Derp...
Haha - I read that this morning! Was it the T. Rex with short arms? I'm guessing he wasn't driving.
Poor Fred Flintstone!
Are you saying because I laugh at farts I'm STUPID ??
i am just thankful that you didnt use that picture of Whoopie Goldberg doing a split as your banner picture.
Gosh, how that movie sucked...
Sybil - Holy crap! That quarry must have smelled something fierce!
Heff - Me? Never!
Slyde - Sometimes you just don't need a visual.
Hiya, M apstew sent me over to say hi. I like your blog.
Stella - Well thank you! And on the day that I resorted to fart jokes as well. Wonderful!
I do not 'send' people over. This one is like a virus, needs to be stopped. Sorry.
Mapstew - gotcha, thanks!
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