Nov 19, 2012

David Lo Pan

I'm normally against posting parody videos of already tiresome pop culture crap like Gangnam Style. But I have to make an exception for this one. Lo Pan Style. Strictly due to my love/obsession with Big Trouble in Little China. A film I just watched the other day for the umpteenth time.

It even includes a cameo by the man himself. David Lo Pan aka James Hong. Still kicking it into his 80's. For a little bit of blog serendipity, our favorite Marsh Mama included a quote from Mr. Hong's Blade Runner character, Hannibal Chew, over at her joint today. Kinda cool, eh?

For anyone who is a fan of BTiLC, you are gonna love this. Lots of fun references.

Everyone else can simply move along.



Unknown said...

Extremely cool......

Unknown said...


I love BTiLC, it's one of our go-to-ain't-shit-on-i-dunno-what-do-you-want-to-watch go to choices.

Paticus said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Verdant Earl said...

Paticus - Oops...was deleting Anon comments and deleted yours by accident. That would never happen to Jack Burton. The reflexes, you see.