Aug 4, 2007

New Stuff

Our good friend badgerdaddy has invited Slyde and myself to join him in panning bad films on his new site, MOVIEGRENADE! Our motto is "We throw ourselves on the worst movie grenades - so you don't have to."

Check it out. He has posted reviews of 28 Weeks Later and Hollow Man 2, while I have joined the fray with a review of Into the Blue.



elizabeth said...

I never get invited to anything *stomps feet*

Verdant Earl said...

I invite you to a jello-wrestling match. ;)

Slyde said...

liz, you and kat have been awol for so long, who knew where the heck you had run off to.... internet rumor had you guys both going lezbo and getting hitched...

as for moviegrenade, i am currently finishing up a agonizing project, but as soon as its done i am jumping in....