Apr 24, 2008

3 girls, 1 hot tub

This one is icky. You have been warned.

Embarrassing Hot Tub Accident - Watch more free videos

I'm not sure why, but I've watched this like 10 times now. I tell myself that I am trying to determine if it is real or computer generated. Then I cry myself to sleep.


Avitable said...

I think it's real. I've seen it before, and she looks too horrified for it to be fake.

Anonymous said...

I can't look.

Verdant Earl said...

Avi - I wonder what they were supposed to be shitting, er, shooting.

Bobgirrl - probably for the best. ;)

Artful Kisser said...


Anonymous said...

Yeah, well whatever, just because I cant' look doesn't mean that I could't come home tonight and look it up on the gawgle. Just like 2 girls 1 cup. So apparently all it takes to be hot is to take a fucking dump on camera??? I could be wrong but WhATEVER. Why is anyone fascinated by this?

Thank you, I'm retreating to my cave now. I really don't understand the rest of the human race and frankly I don't want to.

Anonymous said...

great video............ I have a blog on latest crazy videos.

elizabeth said...

OH MY GOD. I think it's real. I feel so sorry for her. I want to cry... but she is so not invited to my house.

Slyde said...

that video has been flying around the internet for years...

its fake.

Verdant Earl said...

Artful Kisser - that sems to be the consensus.

Bobgirrl - I've never seen the infamous 2 girls, 1 cup video and I never intend to. This one, besides being most likely fake, isn't that graphic.

Liz - no jacuzzi party with the incontenent?

Slyde - Definitely? Who is your source? ;)

Tequila Mockingbird said...

you know why you watched this... because you are a devient. but that's ok, i watched it like 7 times and shared it with 20 people.

badgerdaddy said...

If it's fake it's pretty convincing. No way it's computer generated - all the people get out of the way too naturally, the reactions are perfect. And... it just looks real. If it were dye, it would have spread far quicker as they moved and just coloured all the water.

I'm just saying.

Verdant Earl said...

Tequila - and the beat goes on. ;)

badgerdaddy - very nice analysis. Now go wash up. ;)

i am the diva said...

oh man, i just feel so awful for her.... god. if it's real, the poor girl will be known forever as the HotTubShit girl. Jeeze, she just tries to let one little squeaker go in the hot tub and it explodes. Poor Poor girl.

i feel sad.

white rabbit said...

The guy shouts 'holy shit!'

Maybe she just founded a new religion ;)

Verdant Earl said...

Diva - the worst "shart" ever.

White Rabbit - I thought the same thing. ;)

Poppy said...


Verdant Earl said...

Poppy - prolly 4 the best.

Ginormous Boobs said...

Wow, that's some seriously gross stuff...I love it@!

Verdant Earl said...

G-boobs - I just watched it again. ;)

New York City's Watchdog said...

That's really not the worst... but it certainly is one of the oldest. I remember seeing that as a gif somewhere.

I think the guy came clean and admitted to spiking her drink with a laxative.

Verdant Earl said...

Dog - That's foul! I knew it was pretty old, but a gif...really?

Bruce Johnson said...

I couldn't watch this at work due to the web police, but finally saw it at home. I am skeptical. But then again, diarrea can do amazing things on the spur of the moment.