Aug 24, 2011


You know, in all this time, I don't think I've ever posted a real photo of me.  I've posted pictures with my hand or a Lebowski action figure in front of my face, but never an actual photo.  Let's remedy that, shall we.

What are you looking at?
Disgusted yet?  Yeah, me too.  That's my most recent favorite hat, by the way.  A straw porkpie job that is perfect on a hot summer day.

We were at the Bar at Husk in Charleston, SC.  A really great joint that I am going to review for y'all sometime in the near future.  In the meantime, enjoy my review of The Tattooed Moose in Charleston while you gaze longingly into my bright blue eyes.  You know you want to.


Verdant Earl said...

Ugh...the new widget for scheduling posts in Blogger in Draft sucks!!!

Oh, get it 3 hours early. Deal with it, bitches.

sybil law said...

I likey.

marty mankins said...

You've got an actor that I can't think of his name look going on there.

I think I've seen a photo of you before from one of those Dave York City blogger meet ups.

Verdant Earl said...

Sybil - sick puppy.

Marty - I'm usually confused with folks much older than I am because of the gray hair. A few days before this, a woman swore I was Sammy Hagar. Never heard that one before. Sammy is only 20 years older than me, but what are ya gonna do...

Dave2 said...

Yep, that's you alright!


That Hank said...

I am in no way surprised by this photo. Here I am, by the way:

Verdant Earl said...

Dave2 - That's me alright. SALTY!

Hank - Cool photo. Showed up in a music mag? Cool, indeed. Oh, and get thee to Charleston for some great food, music and PBR at The Tattooed Moose. Yer kinda joint, I believe.

i am the diva said...

you look just like i imagined... ;)

also, you work that hat.

Kaye Waller said...

The way I've imagined you through the years I've known you online has changed several times. This is good. I like!

badgerdaddy said...

I have wood. Anyone else?

Verdant Earl said...

Diva - What you can't see is my long hair pulled back in a pony tail. And that darned conjoined twin under my shirt. Just kidding...about one of them!

Steph - I do the same thing with folks who mostly stay anonymous. Which is less and less these days.

badger - My work here is done.

Slyde said...

Wow, THAT'S what you fucking look like? Yuck!

I just realized that in over 20 years i have never seen your face before.

Thats probably because i'm usually the one who's pitching.

Verdant Earl said...

Slyde - And because, as the catcher, I would be wearing a mask. That's what you meant, right? Aww, c'mon...everyone knows you are a bottom.

Heff said...

Strange, You don't look "bug-eyed" to me AT ALL....

Verdant Earl said...

Heff - Only when I'm staring at boobies.

badgerdaddy said...

Mmmmm, boobies.

Double wood!!!

hello haha narf said...

does "lady wood" count?

hello haha narf said...

i've seen other images of you...i guess from blogger gatherings? actually, i think it was from a daveyork. so yep, you look just like i thought!
also , i love the way you rock that hat.

Verdant Earl said...

Becky - lady wood always counts. ;)

savannah said...

thanks for the tip re husk and the tattooed moose! will check out both next trip to charleston! love the hat, sugar! ;) xoxoxoxo

Verdant Earl said...

Savannah - Glad Irene is (mostly) passing y'all by. Here she comes to NY. Gulp.

Avitable said...

And now the mystique is gone. I mean, it would be if I hadn't already met you in NYC.

Verdant Earl said...

Adam - But I wasn't wearing a hat back then!

Water Logged Canine said...

I wouldn't fuck you with Slyde's dick! But...I'll hug your manhood with my mouth.

Verdant Earl said...

Doggie - I wouldn't let you fuck me with Slyde's dick. I'd wanna feel SOMETHING!

Slyde said...

better use a sledgehammer, then....

Water Logged Canine said...

You...get some sun? You got a lotta color!

Kevin McKeever said...

Sex-ee. Hang on tight during Irene, Sunday. Catch you on the other side.

Poppy said...

Handsome photo.

Bruce Johnson said...

You are actually ageing pretty well.

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice to meet ya!