Dec 2, 2011

Old Man Winter

Rears his fugly head.

Who is that lady in the background?
I like to layer my clothing in the late Fall/early Winter months. Sue me.


sybil law said...

Lookin' good!! You ARE the dude, dude.

hello haha narf said...

i absolutely LOVE layers.
good look, dude.

Heff said...

You still have hair on TOP of your skull ??

Now JEALOUSY rears his fugly head....

Verdant Earl said...

Sybil - That was around 10AM, and I was about an hour away from having y first beverage. Dude...

Becky - My internal temperature runs hot, so I need layers so I can adjust. Ya know?

Heff - The skullet was prominently discussed the very day that picture was taken.

Avitable said...

You're like a hip Santa.

elizabeth said...

Since when do you post anything other than pics of your legs??!!

I'm overcome with the urge to put your hair in braids...

Verdant Earl said...

Adam - No one is hipper than K. Kringle.

Liz - Here and there, a treat for the masses. ;)

Water Logged Canine said...

Who is that lady in the foreground?

Too soon?

Verdant Earl said...

Doggie - Not soon enough!