A big part of this series of blog posts, of course, has been the the idea of looking back and re-living a simpler time in our lives. We've all thought about it. We all miss it. That wonderful feeling of having everything in your life taken care of you by someone. No responsibilities besides doing a half-ass job at your school work or doing a half-ass job at whatever chores your folks might have assigned to you. What were they gonna do? Fire you? That concept didn't exist in our 8-year-old minds.
Certainly comic-books belong to that child mind we all have. Reading one or thinking about one brings us right back to...well, if they weren't happier times they were certainly, um, easier. Comic-books, board games, hide and seek, riding your bike, having a catch...all of these things bring us back to our childhood years. Well, for those of us who had happy and non-traumatic experiences as children.
And I think that's important for us to do every once in a while. It's probably unhealthy to spend all of our days and nights dreaming about a time that didn't involve paying bills or supporting a family, but I don't see the harm in doing it every once in a while. Especially if you can find a way to use those memories to make your current situation more acceptable.
So looking back is fine. As long as it only briefly interrupts you from looking ahead and moving forward.
I noticed a commercial for the movie Thor during the Stupor Bowl tonight. It's amazing to me how such a minor character in the Marvel pantheon is now deemed worthy of an entire film. He was an extra throughout the 60's when I was coming around.
RW - Really? I thought Thor was a pretty big deal in the 60's in the Marvel Universe. He had his own title (Journey Into Mystery) that was eventually re-titled as The Mighty Thor. And he was one of the original members of The Avengers along with Ant-Man, Wasp, Iron Man and The Hulk. It's that last thing, actually, that is the reason why he is getting his own film. Because of The Avengers film coming out later this year or next. Iron Man, Captain America, the Hulk already have had their own solo films. Even Ant-Man (and the Wasp) has a solo film coming out in the near future.
Look out! NERD FIGHT!
Doggie - Relax yerself, kid. Don't make me use your proper name (again)!
wait, your names NOT Earl?
Relative to Spider Man and the Fantastic Four the Thor franchise was a minor light in the 60s.
Slyde - Only in the bedroom, snuggins...
RW - I didn't know that. I knew it was minor in the 70's when I was growing up, but I remember thinking it was bigger at one time. Learn something newish every day.
There are definitely days I wish I was a kid again, with no real responsibilities and my mom cooking me fried apples.
Okay, Earl is not - erm - Earl...
Time or nominations for a name for the poor guy - sounds like he could use one.
I name him *roll of drums*
Algernon Fortescue Nostrilhair III
...but will defer to any better ideas.
wv: silly - welll there's a coincidence
Sybil - Jimmy Buffett sang about when "life was just a tire swing". I think we all have days like that.
Wabbit - I like the Nostrilhair bit. Silly is right. :)
I have to agree with the sentiment. The past in angelic (for some) the future is unknown. I can't say Comic Books were a big part of my life. There were the cute ones I used to read (Archie, Casper, etc) and there were the Super Hero ones, which I found dealt more with conceptualizing and manifesting budding male testosterone fantasies in odd and strange ways...too much frustration, anger and power issues.
I am going to be starting something akin to this on my blog soon. Old 8mm film reels that I am in the process of digitizing and posting on YouTube. A simpler time and simpiler places. Many are like looking at a dream.
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