Dec 5, 2011

Jazz in the Cornfield

Last night we were all over the place in the Cornfield.

Usually one of us sets an agenda and we do our best to not stick to it. It's like a game where everyone loses.  But I was too lazy to set a proper agenda this week for us to ignore. So we did a free-form, stream of consciousness thing.  Just talked about whatever came across our tiny minds.  Which included:
  • Christopher Walken impersonations. Bad ones.
  • The TV show Taxi. Slow down....
  • The actor Peter Coyote's birth name. It's Rachmil Pinchus Ben Mosha Cohon. He's Buddhist now. 
  • Jazz. And our inability to really understand it.
  • Joe Frazier, Muhammad Ali, Miguel Cotto and Antonio Margarito.
  • The Odd Couple. "We're out of Cornflakes - F.U."
  • Baseball Wives. It's a train wreck.
And it just got odder from there.

Check it out on Talkshoe or iTunes, if you have an hour and forty-six minutes to kill.



RW said...

see now i wish I was a regular listener (I never seem to be around when you broadcast) because I could have turned you from a jazz neophyte into a jazz fanatic...

Verdant Earl said...

RW - you can do that in less than two hours? I'm impressed!

sybil law said...

It was definitely an entertaining time, although a few times, if I stepped away to get a drink or let the cat out, I'd come back lost and confused! Haha!

Verdant Earl said...

Sybil - You were confused? Did you hear me trying to keep up with the Colonel's meanderings? Like swimming upstream...

marty mankins said...

I really need to fire up the Talkshoe app again and come join in on the convo mayhem.

sybil law said...

Yeah - the Colonel had too much Saltalamacchia!