But one of the highlights of the weekend was yesterday afternoon when we watched Michael Clayton, finally. I say "finally" because we've had the DVD at home for about 2 weeks now, but we hadn't had the time to sit and watch it together.
This was a fantastic film, people. If you haven't seen it yet, give 'er a go. The acting was absolutely outstanding. George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson were all truly deserving of their Oscar nominations, and all three could have won...in my opinion. I haven't seen the film with Daniel Day-Lewis yet, and he is something special in everything he does, but I find it hard to believe that he was THAT much better in that film than Clooney was in this. Simply fantastic.
So, after much deliberation, I think I have added George Clooney to the small list of men (Nathan Fillion, Dave Grohl and Mark Harmon) that I would turn gay for.
Congratulations, George!

PS - I was gonna steal this pie chart from Antonia, but I figured I would just mention it so you can go over and laugh for yourself. - Earl
i bet his asshole is puckering with excitement at the possibilities!
Totally agree - great flick!
i WAS ready to go gay for clooney until i saw that pic...
Tequila - wouldn't yours?
G-boobs - engrossing in a slow, great way.
Slyde - Now you are super-duper ready?
LOL! That pic is hilarious!
Em - I'd like to say I snapped it while vacationing with him aboard his yacht, but I just stole it from the Internets.
That's a horrible pic... Why do I always leave your site in need of an alcoholic beverage?
Paige - It's because I douche with Bourbon. Huh, what?
I've just GOT to see that movie. Can't believe I missed the chance to see George larger than life up on the big screen.
Bobgirrl - Heya! Just as effective on the small screen.
LOL. Awesome pic of Clooney.
I am trying to figure out which drink to order - several look yum... but I think I should stay away from the ones with egg whited. Bletch.
Liz - A lot of great cocktails have some egg white in them, especially really old-timey drinks. In fact, a possible etymology of the word cocktail is from the French word "coquetier" which is one of those egg-cups. Bartenders used to serve cocktails in those in the early 19th century in New Orleans.
Do I obsess much?
indeed. it doesnt stop... my taint is truly twitterpated.
I ain't turing gay for now man.....I love the poontang to much for that.
I only liked George in O Brother... outside of that I can't through his politics to hear him clear enough. But I thought Michael Clayton used to be a WR for the Dolphins?
Tequila - Nice new pic!
Lotus - Me neither, but I'm just sayin'...
RW - Michael Clayton is a WR for the Bucs. His dad, Mark, was a WR for the Dolphins. And I loved O Brother.
Clooney seems like a pretty awesome guy.
I admit I'd turn gay for Grohl also.
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