Mar 31, 2008

Michael Clayton

Had a fun time in the city with Gia this weekend. We went in on Friday night and didn't get home until late last night. Found some great, fairly inexpensive restaurants (here and here) right around our friend's apartment building, and we spent a few hours downtown at one of the newer "speakeasy" joints in town called Death & Company on Saturday night. Check out that drink menu. Yum!

But one of the highlights of the weekend was yesterday afternoon when we watched Michael Clayton, finally. I say "finally" because we've had the DVD at home for about 2 weeks now, but we hadn't had the time to sit and watch it together.

This was a fantastic film, people. If you haven't seen it yet, give 'er a go. The acting was absolutely outstanding. George Clooney, Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson were all truly deserving of their Oscar nominations, and all three could have my opinion. I haven't seen the film with Daniel Day-Lewis yet, and he is something special in everything he does, but I find it hard to believe that he was THAT much better in that film than Clooney was in this. Simply fantastic.

So, after much deliberation, I think I have added George Clooney to the small list of men (Nathan Fillion, Dave Grohl and Mark Harmon) that I would turn gay for.

Congratulations, George!

PS - I was gonna steal this pie chart from Antonia, but I figured I would just mention it so you can go over and laugh for yourself. - Earl


Tequila Mockingbird said...

i bet his asshole is puckering with excitement at the possibilities!

Ginormous Boobs said...

Totally agree - great flick!

Slyde said...

i WAS ready to go gay for clooney until i saw that pic...

Verdant Earl said...

Tequila - wouldn't yours?

G-boobs - engrossing in a slow, great way.

Slyde - Now you are super-duper ready?

Em said...

LOL! That pic is hilarious!

Verdant Earl said...

Em - I'd like to say I snapped it while vacationing with him aboard his yacht, but I just stole it from the Internets.

Suzi Q said...

That's a horrible pic... Why do I always leave your site in need of an alcoholic beverage?

Verdant Earl said...

Paige - It's because I douche with Bourbon. Huh, what?

Anonymous said...

I've just GOT to see that movie. Can't believe I missed the chance to see George larger than life up on the big screen.

Verdant Earl said...

Bobgirrl - Heya! Just as effective on the small screen.

elizabeth said...

LOL. Awesome pic of Clooney.

I am trying to figure out which drink to order - several look yum... but I think I should stay away from the ones with egg whited. Bletch.

Verdant Earl said...

Liz - A lot of great cocktails have some egg white in them, especially really old-timey drinks. In fact, a possible etymology of the word cocktail is from the French word "coquetier" which is one of those egg-cups. Bartenders used to serve cocktails in those in the early 19th century in New Orleans.

Do I obsess much?

Tequila Mockingbird said...

indeed. it doesnt stop... my taint is truly twitterpated.

Bruce Johnson said...

I ain't turing gay for now man.....I love the poontang to much for that.

RW said...

I only liked George in O Brother... outside of that I can't through his politics to hear him clear enough. But I thought Michael Clayton used to be a WR for the Dolphins?

Verdant Earl said...

Tequila - Nice new pic!

Lotus - Me neither, but I'm just sayin'...

RW - Michael Clayton is a WR for the Bucs. His dad, Mark, was a WR for the Dolphins. And I loved O Brother.

FourLeafClover said...

Clooney seems like a pretty awesome guy.

Anonymous said...

I admit I'd turn gay for Grohl also.