Last night on 30 Rock, the back story dealt with a reality show on NBC called MILF Island. The stuck a bunch of Mom you would like to...you know... on an island with a group of horny teen aged boys. The Moms would do striptease acts, cat fight with one another and basically do anything to not get voted off of Erection Beach. High class stuff.
So, those cats at NBC know that FOX is totally gonna steal this idea for next November's sweeps, right? Sounds like it is right up their alley.
Here are a few other shows that FOX currently has in development:
- Prison Bitch - It's a reality series based on their popular action series Prison Break. But no one gets to escape, and pretty boys like Wentworth Miller spend most of the time dressed up in halter tops and lipstick.
- So You Think You Can Be President? - In this quasi-political reality show, contestants vie for the opportunity to be reviled by the media and both major political parties in the country. The winner doesn't actually get to be President, but he/she does get the right to have oral sex in the Oval Office at a time of their choosing.
- Harmless, Or Not? - Contestants in this ripoff to Fear Factor get to open envelopes that are filled with a mysterious white powder. Could be cocaine, could be anthrax, could be baby powder. The only winner in this show is Charles Darwin.
- Amputee Island - Similar to Survivor and MILF Island, this show features contestants with "something" missing who are sent to an island in hopes of winning love, fortune, prosthetics and a life-long case of guilt for cashing in on their mis-fortune.
i dont know about ALL of them, but i'd like to be ON milf island!
i dig amputee island a lot. now, if you throw in some midgets id be there! or milf island. i could have fun with that... help them explore their pent up desires they never got out of their system in college
I'm all for being a contestant on MILF Island and Harmless, Or Not?... but I would just watch the others.
Or at least TiVo them for when the writer's go on strike again.
I would produce (and watch) any of those shows. Seriously, I would.
Yes, I like the ones in which Darwin is the only winner. Those should be the only reality shows - no more survival of the dumbest.
I think there should be a contest to see which overweight gay midget can dance the best because I'm SO pc.
What about something with broader appeal, like Inbreeding Island? See how families really get on.
Or how about Fist Idol? I think the name says it all.
Slyde - you and the MILFs. Quite the combo.
Tequila - Midgets! Damn...I missed a key demographic!
Dog - Alas, the male component of MILF island are teenaged boys. So Sorry.
G-boobs - Good to see that you have standards. ;)
Em - Darwin rules!
RW - meet Tequila. Tequila...meet RW. ;)
badger - Ooooh, I like inbreeding island, and Fist Idol could have a definite appeal to, um, some folks.
I'm so anti-reality TV, but I loved that episode of 30 Rock.
Avi - I'm 90% anti-reality TV, but I do love me some Survivor and The Amazing Race. That's it though. The rest can go the way of the dodo.
Well, I actually like Top Chef, because there's no drama and actual skill, but that's it.
These are the only shows that could get me to watch television again....seriously. Unless some network picks them up...I will just be stuck with my LaserDisc collection.
It is 'LaserDisc' (with a "c" at the end)....otherwise folks will think you are uninformed (just watching your back here). I started collecting these ions ago and just never stopped. Their primary allure is that they are big M-F and there are titles you can get on LaserDisc that have never and probably will never be issued on DVD. They also don't wear out like Video Tape, so they keep my collection of Playboy Playmate Centerfold videos pristine for all time.....hehehehe.
Lotus - The last film I watched on LaserDisc (thanks!) was "Caligula", believe it or not. ;)
ok the only one i would watch?
so you think you can be president. ha.
charles darwin was a born winner.
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