Oct 16, 2011

Just Talking to the Cornfield - New Episode Tonight at 9PM EST

You know the drill.

The Colonel and I will discuss some baseball and some other stuff.  Fascinating lead, right?  Ugh...I suck at this.

Just listen in, okay?

Here's a better writeup from the Colonel in his weekly email reminder.

So if you missed last week show, you missed Earl and the Colonel discuss some possible off-season moves for those playoff teams that were eliminated.    But after another week of playoff games we now opt to get out of aggravation and frustration at the god-awful disastrous crews on TBS and Fox that are announcing the games.    Its been so bad I yearn for Howard Cosell.  
We also take a look forward at the World Series, and hopefully after tonight it was be fully decided who will play (GO CREW!!).   
Finally, last week we tipped our junior high school cards a bit to talk about what movies 'moved' us the most in our younger days.   Now, ugh, Earl would like to discuss what films or TV shows made us..... whimper.   Get out your tampons folks!!   Its what the Cornfield is all about.

See you at the Cornfield!!
Earl and the Colonel

1 comment:

sybil law said...

Wooohooo! I'll be there!