I must have listened to A Wild and Crazy Guy about a million times when I was a kid. I listened to portions of it the other day and over 30 years later I STILL know most of the bits by heart. My father was a huge fan of this album as well. Whenever he couldn't think of the proper word to use or was grammatically flummoxed, he would smile and quote Steve Martin. "Some people have a way with words, and some people...{long pause}...oh, not have way, I guess." Always made me laugh.
Cat Handcuffs was one those bits that I thought about today while shopping at the pet store. It still deserves a chuckle or three.
clicken to listen
Note: Remember to play the Badgerdaddy Trivia Challenge every day. Oh, sure...they're fun!
Read his book "Born Standing Up." It's like reliving childhood.
I saw Steve Martin live in Las Vegas in, it must have been 1979 or so. I was shocked at what a multi-talented super performer he was.
But for my money, Carlin has stood the test of time better.
hey I just read Born Standing up. Not in time for my five sentence book reviews though.
that'll be next time ;)
I'm one of the not have way people most of the time. Carlin was always my favorite as a wee bairn, but because he CUSSED! He was naughty, which made us giggle.
Still does, actually.
He was born in babylona, then moved to arizona...
Uncool - Gotta check dat out.
MikeB - Probably, but damn if this doesn't still make me laugh.
Holly - A second vote for the book...I'm on it!
Shania - And a second vote for Carlin! ;)
Slyde - As great as King Tut was on SNL (with Blue Lou Marini from the SNL Band coming out of the sarcophagus as a mummy blowing sax), on the album it was a little lacking. I thought.
A TRUE CLASSIC. I still have that album on vinyl, as well as the previous "Let's Get Small".
HEff - The "Let's Get Small" bits is one of my very first memories of SNL. Great stuff!
I'm the same way with Martin's "Let's Get Small." Had the same experience when I put my old copy on the turntable a while back.. could almost quote it word for word! So funny.
I had this album memorized when it came out but I did listen to it a few years ago and I was kind of embarrassed as to how unfunny some of seems now.
I think Eddie Murphy's albums still stand up though.
Gooney Goo Goo.
Love this album.
And I will third the suggestion of "Born Standing Up"...Really fascinating deconstruction of his comedy.
Kate - It's amazing how much silly stuff we retain.
Zibbs - REally? I still laugh at most of it. I'll give you that the Eddie Murphy stuff is still funny too.
Paticus - Looks like the motion has been approved.
I love Steve Martin. Carlin, Eddie Murphy - hell, even Cosby makes me laugh. Good stuff!!
I suppose it really dates me, that I can recall the vinyle albums of Bob Newhart, Bob & Ray and Bill Cosby (Why is there air?).
The stuff on comedy central pales by comparisson.
I love this album. Steve Martin is one of my favorite comedians of all time. It makes me sad to watch him do some of the shit movies that he does now.
I was a teen was this first came out and loved it. Such a killer comedy album. "That cat was the best fuck I ever had" still rings in my head to this day.
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