Well, as much as I love Doritos, I am a much, much bigger fan of potato chips. And Utz brand chips are easily my favorite. Salt & Vinegar, the Crab Chip, even the plain old regular Utz chips. Love 'em! Love 'em all!
But I've been missing something for the past 3 or 4 years. A longing, perhaps. Then yesterday I saw them at the local supermarket. Utz Carolina Style Bar-B-Q Potato Chips! Imagine a subtle blend of the best BBQ chip with the best Salt & Vinegar chip. That's what this potato chip is. Absolutely delicious.

Sorry Taco Doritos...daddy's got a new bitch!
Campaign Update
Nothing big here, just a funny picture from the end of the debate last night. McCain initially headed the wrong way around the table then did an about face while making a face. The result was this...

Which, of course, led somebody out there somewhere to do this...

Hmmm...that last pic was supposed to be an animated gif file. Check it out here.
Hat tip to a dude who smells like a wet dog for this one! - Earl
L. M. A. O. I love the debate photo. LOVE IT.
You're really, really sick.
I think I love you.
OOh - I love UTZ chips - they make some tasty ones. I need to look for that flavor now. Yum. I tried commenting here the other day and blogger was being a basssss-ted and wouldn't let me comment (not just on your blog but all blogger blogs I tried to visit). Seems like it is working okay now though.
I always brought bags of Utz chips back home from trips to the East Coast! Even just their regular old regular style were great!
When it comes to chips, I like goold ole fashioned Wise as well as Herr's Kettle Chips. Excellent.
I've never heard of that brand of chips before. Everything is "Golden Flake" around here.
Animated gifs never seem to work for me in a post, but if you post it in your template on your sidebar it should work.
Faiqa - I missed that moment when it occurred live. God Bless the Internet!
Steph - Aw shucks! I wish I could take credit for it, but somebody else put it together.
Teeni - Utz is the best!
RW - I hope the new Yankee Stadium keeps the Utz billboard in RF that they have had for quite a while now.
Zibbs - Herrs does make fantastic chips!
Heff - aha! I was wondering about that.
that is outstanding... while i was watching the debate, i caught mccain making that face and thought to myself, "self, SOMEONE out there is going to be having a field day tomorrow in photoshop".
glad to see that im a prophet...
just finished a bag of utz "red hot" flavor......ya gotta try them
Finally had the taco Doritos on the way home from Jersey last weekend. Did not care for them at all... :(
BUT I love salt and vinegar, and I looooooove Utz's honey BBQ chips (I ate an entire 3-serving bag in Time Square a few weekends ago).
Excellent!!! Must try U T Z C H I P S!!! Well, i have tried Utz but just the good old plain potato chips which i love. Salt and vinegar is my fav though so thanks for the love!!!
Great photo too!! I have to admit, i missed the last debate! WHY?? I was tired and got hmmm, how shall i say it...bored!!! YEP, i did!!!
2abes - Been there, done that, loved that chip! :)
Poppy - Those "3 serving" bags are a joke. I snarf them down like tic tacs! ;)
Michelle - Salt and Vinegar rules!
You do know, don't you, that there are no potatos in those Utz Potato chips.
(have you ever seen the film, Solyent Green?)
Bruce - Two demerits!!! (There shall be no dissing of Utz chips evah!)
What's up Earl?
One day, while waiting at the hospital for my mother, I think after one of my younger sisters had been born, my father bought a bag of UTZ BBQ chips from the vending machine. I can remember the subtle kick of spice, and the delicious after-snack of licking my red fingertips clean once I had finished all of the chips.
Another day, shortly after I had first been introduced to Salt and Vinegar chips, I decided I'd buy a bag for myself. Unfortunately, I don't remember the brand name, but for the sake of legend, let's say they were UTZ. I ate so many of said thinly-sliced and fried potatoes that the salt and vinegar ate away at the inside of my mouth. You think I stopped? Oh glorious negative. I continued until the skin sloughed off the insides of my cheeks and roof of my puss. At this point, my dentist could have easily mistaken the inside of my kisser for the third survivor in the DJ AM/Travis Barker plane crash.
NOW! You're telling me I can get both of these experiences simultaneously? I'm in there. I'd fuck it if I could.
Speaking of which, am I the only one that finds irony in the photoshopped version of the debate. My man BO is straight boofin' McCain...this shit is OVER! Additionally, it may be bananas.
I said it.
WLC - B, A, N, A, N, A, S!!! Did you see the additional photoshops I sent you. Bwah-ha-ha!!!
Oh, and I came a little bit in my pants when I saw that Carolina Style BBQ were back in the area. Then I went straight home and fucked the shit out of that bag.
Gotta go get me some mo later on.
The animated one takes it to a whole new level...
We don't have those chips here. We do, however, have dill pickle chips. Gads of em.
You haven't ended your posts with a random wikipedia entry for a while.
Well, my post ends with a specific wikipedia entry.
so there ya go.
Liz - I love the Dill chips! I'm a little jealous of Canada right now.
Holly - I did it for about a month and I stopped a while ago with an announcement that it was boring me. So there. :)
That is one fucked up o-face.
Evyl - I've never seen mine. No mirror sex for me. Thank God!
OMG! That is hilarious!!! That is a scary O face!!
mmmm salt n vinegar chips... yes please! :P
Another similarity between you and Tasty is the love of oddly flavored corn chips.
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