These three images are just a drop in the bucket in the random picture universe on Moonbuggy. It's my newest, most favoritist waste of time on the Internets.
I spent about 30 minutes last night just hitting the "random image" link over and over and over again. Now I give the gift of random images to you. Enjoy!
Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. The questions are chosen at random. Get it?
Great site Moonbuggy, yours too.
MikeB - yours too.
That middle one is great.
That's Hot!!
Happy Monday
- Jennifer
I use to check out boners dot com regularly back when it was kickin' out daily photos.
Zibbs - yeah, that one really made me laugh.
Jenn - And a Happy Monday to you as well.
Heff - Yeah, I'm not falling for the old "check out boners.com" trick. Nice try! ;)
I don't need this link Earl....your blog is my favorite waste of time on the interent, nothing could surpass it.
(.....just kidding)
so now your resorting to just posting random images?
That one post a day thing is really becomming a problem for ya, isnt it?
Tomorrow's post on bug eyed earl:
"Font of the day!"
hahaha @ elves.
Bruce - actually that is about the highest compliment I could ask for. Thanks! :)
Slyde - Nah, I'm just being lazy. I have about 6-7 posts in my draft folder just waiting for me to finish up. I just got a kick out of this site, and I thought you might too. Ass.
Faiqa - Slyde apparently didn't think so. He's an angry, little man. Isn't he?
Those are some funny and great pics. That first one cracked me up.... gives new meaning to the "looking over your shoulder" phrase.
Marty - the site is full of shit like that. ESPECIALLY shit like that, it seems. Lots of making fun of religion and Christians in particular.
If you found this post delightfull, be prepared to get blown away by Wednesday's new feature:
"things i found in my pocket"
"Things I found in my pocket"
Slyde's hand. He's always wanted to get into my pants. :)
You guys crack me up and you know who i am talking about!!!
Love this site b.e. I may have to set aside 15 min a day to spend there!
I am injured, can't run for a week or two. :O(
Have a great day!!!
Dude....I stumbled upon MoonBuggy yesterday after you left, and couldn't wait to share it with you. Looks like you beat me to it. You know what they say, great minds drink alike. But when they are done, no taxi can contain them.
Michelle - sorry to hear about your injury.
WLC - We both probably found it from the same place....GorillaMask.net. And you did drink quite bit of whiskey products that evening. So getting out of the cab was probably a good idea.
Good call. And since you're the one who told me about GorillaMask...all credit goes to you. I'm not worthy. I am, however, going to have another Jameson and Coke. Who knew?
It's nice to know where Jesus shops for porn.
WLC - I may have to mention the Holiday sometime tomorrow here.
Evyl - Jesus knows all the best bondage porn. I heard he was into that shit.
That's a col site. Thanks for sharing!
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