Maybe you aren't into vampires or metaphors about vampires. Or shows about metaphors about vampires. Hmm.
Anywho, even if you don't like it or you haven't seen it yet, I'm here to tell you something. True Blood is just about the naked-est show going on right now. Don't believe me?
Take a look. (NSFW)
Oh yeah....I wanna do bad things with you!
I know I'm gonna love this show, from reading about and seeing a clip or two, it looks fantastic.
Never disparage American TV, says I.
Damn. And I just made a deal with the wife to get a gym membership instead of cable. This might change all that.
Not only is it the nakedist show, it's also one of the bloodiest...that vampire kill, was AWESOME
The first episode was okay, but it's consistently gotten better episode after episode. I was very surprised to see Anna Paquin do a nude scene, too. That only piqued my interest further!
But did you like it? Is it worth getting a subscription to HBO, which I canceled over the summer? Will you assume responsibility (not financial, but ideological) if it sucks and I have to go through the hassle of disconnecting the HBO?
Wassup Earl?
I love this show more than a Bowery bum loves bacon-infused bourbon. For anyone who hasn't tuned in, and/or turned on (the nudity really is titillating), the last episode also gave us the promise of Shape-Shifters, Werewolves, Demons, and the unlimited potential for all things wicked and wondrous.
Now, rub my belly and make my leg do that thing.
Ok i am officially angry at myself for not watching. Somehow after the first 2 episodes i quit watching it!!! Is it On Demand?? I have to catch up!! Not because of the nakedness but because it looks intriguing.
OK OK, its because of the nakedness!!! Stop asking, yes its the nakedness!!!! I admit it!!!
well, i for one HATED the first episode.
for some reason, against my better judgement, i decided to stick with it for a second episode..
and i must admit im glad i did. The show has just gotten better and better...
plus the boobies help
awwww yeah!
MikeB - whassamatta? Italian TV got you down?
Brandon - Not sure if this show on its own is worth having cable. But with Dexter and Californication on Showtime...
Rachel - Heya! And yeah, that was pretty damned awesome!
Avitable - I was surprised and very happy to see Anna get nekkid. Little Earl was happy too!
Faiqa - I would wait a bit because there are only 2 episodes left this season. The DVD should be out soon. Rent it, and if you like it you can sign up for HBO next season. How's that?
WLC - WTF was that woman with the pig-thing in the middle of the road? Holy crap!
Michelle - It is absolutely On Demand. Check it out.
Slyde - Aren't you glad I convinced you to stick around? :)
Zibbs - Amen!
naked is always a good thing. I will check it out! thanks for the heads up Earl!
I have no idea. I wish I did. With only 2 episodes left...I feel like a lot is going to be unresolved. Damn you Alan Ball...DAMN YOU!
I have heard that there are two kind of people, those that like this show and those that don't.
I am of the third kind, those that don't have HBO.
Thanks to Donna, I've seen EVERY EPISODE so far AT LEAST twice. 3 More episodes and it's on a break. It has been picked up for season 2 already though. LET THE V-FUCKING CONTINUE !
I never really wanted to see the show, even though I think vampire stuff is intriguing. But with those pics and videos, the male in me needs to make sure I'm not missing anything.
Candy - any time I can help with the naked!
WLC - They better at least wrap up the serial killer storyline. They did some work on it this past week...they need to keep it up. And...that's what she said.
Ookami - Just another way to divide the folks of this great nation. ;)
Heff - Yeah, but does she do bad things to you while you watch them? I can't get my better half to watch 'em with me. You are a lucky man!
Marty - This post was purely a public service. To both men and women (there are nekkid dudes as well in the show).
Dude, I know that song.
I have never been a big vampire fan. I always wished they could decide whether they wanted to be sexy or scary and just pick one! LOL. I was not sure about True Blood when I saw the first episode but I have to say I honestly have been loving it. The story line is actually pretty interesting and so are the characters. I especially love the character of Tara - she has the best lines! Oh yeah - there is nudity but I don't care about that - the show stands on it's own I think even without it.
Evyl - It's the theme song for the show.
Teeni - Nothing wrong with being sexy AND scary. It's worked for me all these years. :)
You just reminded me to look up the guy who does the theme song.
Sunday night is a fantastic Sunday night aphrodisiac. ;)
Wow, I'm an idiot or drunk.
And I haven't had alcohol since November 1, so there ya go.
I meant that TRUE BLOOD is a great Sunday night aphrodisiac. Lots of the sex.
Poppy - Liar! You had absinthe on November 8th. I saw the video proof of it on your blog. Ha! ;)
Oh yah!
Ah, mon dieu, I'm a lush. Thanks for pointing that out to me!
I never had one before, but after watching the first season of True Blood, i have myself a little Clit-Boner for Vampire fantasies now. mmmm.....
Also, in response to Teeni's comment... i think that the sexier the vampire, the scarier he/she is - because they're soooo damn sexy that you want to be with them even though you know that you'll most likely get your jugular munched on.
Diva - Clit-boner, eh? Nice! But I disagree about the sexy vampire thing. Gimme an overly evil, feral vampire any day over an Anne Rice version. Twilight looks like it sucks ballz.
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