Nov 20, 2008

Bug-Eyed Trivia

I've been playing this trivia game every day through somebody's blog out there for a while now. I honestly don't remember who turned me on to it. It's frustrating because you have to answer fast to score well, and my brain doesn't work that fast anymore.

So I figured I would share that frustrations with y'all.


Here's what you do. Clicky on that linky above. Register, and then come and play everyday. That's it. I've started out by making it about movies, general knowledge and music. But I can change all that anytime I or we want. Up to you. Up to us, really. Just as long as a bunch of you play. I'll eventually tailor it to more specific topics, but for right now this is what you got.

What's at stake? My admiration.

That should be enough.


Jennifer and Sandi said...

I'm Right Behind You!!! Figureativly speaking....That game was great fun.

What do I win?


- Jennifer

platts42 said...

Nothing because I got a better score.

Suzi Q said...

I totally sucked at this game...

Anonymous said...

Holy crap I got 9/10. Actually I'm not that surprised but there were a couple I wasn't sure about.

The Trailer Of Love

Avitable said...

Cool idea!

Michelle said...

I did it!!

It was fun!!!

Bye bye!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

I love it! That was awesome. I almost got a 9/10 but I changed my answer at the last second. Not bad though.
Thanks Earlsie that was FUN!:)

pure evyl said...

Hell, that was a hoot.

Kaye Waller said...

I played, but I only got 6 out of 10. I suck.

Anonymous said...

I did HORRIBLY! There goes my self-esteem. :( How about tomorrow you post a quiz for those of us who are a bit "slow" in the movie department?

platts42 said...

Am I still at the top? Oh wait, yes I am! I had a tough time with the Batman question. Batman xxxx. Who the fuck knows? I only know it wasn't Dark Knight or Batman & Robin.

Verdant Earl said...

You kidz all rock. Cap'n Marrrk, obviously a little bit more so. ;)

Everybody remember to play each day!!!

Unknown said...

I guessed well on a couple of them. Great fun.

badgerdaddy said...

This is going to be ridiculously hard for me as I just tried it the first time, and had only heard of the Beatles songs in there, and Adagio For... The rest were guesses.

Gah. Either I'm culturally bereft, or this is a very American quiz! I'll hang in there though.

Verdant Earl said...

badger - Hang in there. I've actually found that a lot of the questions are very Anglo-centric on the other quiz I participate in.

Heff said...

Damn, I forgot the game was timed, so I look a little s-l-o-w.

Mrs. Hall said...

blah. got like three right.



High Power Rocketry said...

: )

Faiqa said...

I protest this quiz on the basis that the topic was "World history" and it did not have one SINGLE question relating to Eurasia, the Middle East or Asia. It is culturally biased. Plus I only got four right, and I'm really smart, so there must be something wrong with the quiz.

Verdant Earl said...

R2K - Um, backatcha! :)

Faiqa - I guessed on half of them. And badly since I only got 5 right.