Nov 30, 2008

Crappy, lazy day

Thanksgiving was fantastic, but it's been a crazy, lazy weekend since then. Crazy as in too much to do and lazy as in not enough energy to do it.

So I sit here on the couch on a crappy, rainy Sunday afternoon in my pajamas with the two cats nestled up right next to me watching Season 1 of Angel on Hulu. Angel always seemed like the red-headed awkward step-child of Buffy, in my opinion. I guess because I preferred Spike as a character over Angel. He was just too...somber, I guess. Except when he reverts to Angelus like in Season 2 of Buffy. THAT was fun!

But I'm giving him and his show another chance. And it's pretty freakin' great! And as annoying as she is, it ain't so bad having to look at Charisma Carpenter's hotness throughout these episodes. Yummy!


Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. All the crazy cats are doing it.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like perfect weather for a tv show marathon. Now I gotta go check your trivia challenge.

Anonymous said...

Angel is a great series because it actually lets David Boreanaz do a lot more with his character than he could in Buffy. Also, I am a fan of either silly Angel or Angelus all the way.

I just got done marathon watching the show this season...Cordelia gets less annoying but then the stories get more annoying, haha. In either case, if you ever need more seasons, I have them on my PC and could upload them to my server for you. Also, TNT runs two episodes every day and will probably inevitably catch up to wherever you are!

Anonymous said...

uh, "this season" = "this summer".

pure evyl said...

With a name like Charisma, it's gotta be hot.

Michelle said...

Ooooh hulu here i come!! I love hulu!! Even the name hulu is fun and makes you want to dance around for a bit!!

Oh and you are getting that buffy dvd if i win!!! Sorry, its a done deal in my head!!!

Have a great day!!!

Dr Zibbs said...

She's so hot.

elizabeth said...

I love tv marathoning. Happy Turkey weekend!

Verdant Earl said...

Teeni - you mean that isn't the first thing you do in the morning? ;)

Hilly - yeah, silly Angel is fun too! I've seen just about every episode. I skipped a couple here and there, but most of them.

Evyl - and there are some truly hawt pics of her on the interwebs. I picked a semi-respectable one. What was I thinking?

Michelle - you rawk!

Zibbs - It hurts!

Verdant Earl said...

Liz - it's really the only way to watch TV.

Slyde said...

ALL of season 1 is there? i think im gonna jump on board...

Verdant Earl said...

Slyde - yeah..only Season 1 right now.

Avitable said...

I'm a big fan of Angel the show, especially the last couple of seasons, with Fred and Lorne and Spike - it's just a more adult version of Buffy, but they went places that Buffy couldn't.

Verdant Earl said...

Adam - One problem I had with the middle part of the show was Connor. Hated that kid. But loved Fred, Spike and Lorne in the latter years. Just like you said.

Faiqa said...

LOOK. I know you said that you like Angel, now. But, I don't know if we can still be friends after admitting that you thought Angel was the "red headed step child" of the Buffy series.

OK. I'm over it. We're still friends. Glad you finally wised up.

Verdant Earl said...

Faiqa - It is wonderful, but it still pales in comparison to Glorious Buffy! Oh, Glorious Buffy!

the beige one said...

I think of them as two sides of the same coin, and I would still claim that S4 of Angel outdoes the correlating season of Buffy, in terms of overall whallop.

marty mankins said...

Yummy indeed. Thanks for posting the eye candy.