It started out as an April Fool's joke. But they got a tremendous response from it, especially from folks offering their services as beta testers. Now these dudes are actually thinking about producing this.
I've been able to separate my food urges and my sexual urges so far in life. I'd hate to start combining them now.
Or would I?
UPDATE - New MMA awfulness over at MovieGrenade! Ignore it like you ignore your in-laws. How do you like them apples, Faiqa?
Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. Do you smell that? Smells like bacon!
Just nasty.
ok been sitting here all sick and coughing and sick.
this was all the inspiration i needed to throw the fuck up.
ok take care
Faiqa - let's not bring religion into this, okay? ;)
Holly - you are most welcome.
possible they went just a little to far...
You and Avitable should buy stock in that company.
There are at least a couple nasty jokes buried in there...
Hey, it was good to meet you in NewYork. Cheers.
um earl, um, did you forget to mention about something on simmer blog, around the beginning of april? you zexy goateed bastard you. ok just thought i would let you know i found it. mwhaa-haa-haa
I would totally use bacon lube!
I just got some Baconnaise in the mail. It's awesome.
Who's thinking of producing this, George Costanza ?!?
He's the only character I know of that ever attempted to combine food and sex !
usually i just wrap my dick in bacon and have at it.
this will work much better for me.
That is not right
There is some combining I can think of!!!
That is all!!
That's so wrong. I don't even know what to say...
Yikes!!!!! Please tell me the stock in Kama Sutra won't go away now that this is on the market.
Happy Friday Eve!
- Jennifer
2abes - possible???
Uncool - true dat.
Whitenoise - I was hoping for the nasty jokes. ;) Cheers, backatcha!
Holly - shhh.
Adam - the baconnaise does seem like it would be delish.
Heff - that was a great episode!
Slyde - especially since you had to wrap and wrap and wrap...you know.
Ookami - or is it?
Michelle - we've all got thoughts going on about this.
Elise - you just said it.
Jenn - It's almost Friday?!?
For a good porking...
Now that's makin' bacon.
AK - and there it is!
Evyl - and one more. Zing!
That would be more than drawing the line for me... a giant 10 foot wall would be more like it.
I prefer the natural taste of what generally needs lubing, tyvm.
I would never use bacon lube unless it was Canadian bacon lube.
I can just see Kermit and Miss Piggy having a field day with this stuff.
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