So for those of you mentioned, consider yourself hollered at. For those of you who aren't mentioned, I would say maybe next time, but there probably won't be a next time. Don't fret. Your blog is still much, much better than mine.
Mikeb302000 is a blogger who isn't afraid to talk about some of the stuff that bothers a lot of people. Politics and religion. His post about Evolution vs Creationism sparked some lively debate in the comments. No name-calling, just honest debate. That, my friends, is my kind of blog post.
Our favorite insomniac, Steph, turned me on to Pandora Radio just the other day. I had never heard of it before. Not surprising since it I have my head stuck firmly up my ass most of the time. But I love it! Basically an Internet radio station where you get to program the music. I have it playing in the background all the time now. Thanks, Steph!
Cap'n Marrrk wrote a missive to the year 1600 a few days ago. As far as I know 1600 hasn't written back. Don't you fucking hate that? Fickle bitch!
Evyl blessed our lives with the really sick shit. Before you click on that link think of truth in advertising. OK, continue.
But don't just stop there. Check out every single one of the blogs over there on my blogroll. They are all pure gold. Except for Slyde. Pure bronze.
Random Wiki: The Thistle is a type of racing dingy. I love that word. Dingy, not thistle. That's all I got on this one.
Cool! See - I'm good for something. I sparked an idea for a post for you. Thanks so much for the linky love, Earl. It is neat to do something like this every so often. I just hate the ones that have a ton of links because it is hard to visit them all with such a full reader as I have, but this size you did is perfectly manageable. Nice picks. And your friend, Cap'n Marrrk has nice teeth, I might add. LOL.
Thanks for the link. I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who likes the really sick shit. I will go and visit the others sounds like some good shit.
Teeni - yeah, I intended to do 5 but I lost track. How ADD of me. ;)
Evyl - what's not to love about the really sick shit? :)
it always comes back to me.. sigh..
Slyde - you are like the Herpes. I can never get rid of you.
Thistle is a cool word too. The weed has really cool flowers, however it is a pain to kill.
Ookami - its a Scottish thing, right?
Thanks for what you said, Earl.
My bathroom blog didn't get an honorable mention!!!! Thats it, I am going to go and drown myself in the tub.....
MikeB - Most welcome.
Lotus - That's it! I'm coming over right now to take a dump on your modified height shitter! Then cool off in your copper tub.
(am I remembering the details correctly?)
slyde bronze?? LOL he's pure platinum :)
Sweets - he tried platinum blonde for a bit in his early 30's, but he kept getting confused with Ric Flair from the WWE.
:O( i didn't make even your blog roll! Thats OK! I know i'm cool anyway!! :O)!! Seriously, great links dude!! I do so love your blog, except your newest post! I have no clue about college football or football or anything that involves using a football!!
Love it. Will check em out tomorrow! I know you missed me Earl. I'm back - with big news! ;-D
Michelle - My blog roll is a slowly evolving animal. You are on my feed reader, so maybe soon... :)
Liz - She's back, and her left hand is heavier! Congrats! I already left a sarcastic note on your blog. :)
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