Happy April Fool's Day, y'all!
PS - Congrats to Limpy for finally taking down the champ and winning the March trivia contest. I had a commanding lead going into the last couple of days, but Limpy came on with back to back daily wins to end the month and take the title. Let's all give a holla his way. New quiz starts today! - Earl
Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. Let's hope this virus doesn't infect a$l o^ o!r c@m*)te#s 22d0y. 0h c#@p!
Does that mean we have the virus? I don't get it.
Faiqa - nom nom nom nom nom
They've really managed to stir up a panic about this stupid virus, too.
What the heck?
I am not in a panic because I have no idea what virus everybody is talking about!!!
We ain't scared of no stinkin' virus. Shoo!!!
- Jennifer
I logged on to microsoft just fine. Guess I'm o.k., lol.
My Guy warned me about this last night.
Since I'm regularly trolling the bloggersphere, he warned me to be safe.
Adam - is there really a panic?
Michelle - the Conficker worm. It's in the nom nom nom link.
Jenn - can you shoo a worm? Will that work?
Heff - I think we are all ok.
Candy - How do you safely patrol the blogosphere? Condoms on your fingers?
Thanks Earl. Maybe this win will inspire me to actually write something on my own blog, poor forgotten thing. The only virus I'm worried about at the moment is my daughter's strep.
Oops, now all of you have it. Sorry.
see, i WASNT panicked but now i came here and now i am!
Limpy - Good comeback win on your part. I really sucked it up the past few days. Let's see how April goes.
Slyde - It's the Tremors poster, isn't it?
That movie used to scare the crap out of me when I was a kid. I was afraid to go in to the backyard.
I think the primary injury that all these worms and virus' do is to cause anxiety in those that don't understand them. Every organism on the planet has some sort of virus or parsite. Worm's and virus' in computers is just their natural evolution into becomeing concious beings.
"Open the pod bay doors Hal......"
OG - really? It was more of a comedy, ya know.
Bruce - Wow. I think you just blew my mind.
I'm more afraid of those Toasted Torpedo commercials for Quizno's. I think a talking stove spewing one homosexual double entendre after another is one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
Evyl - They do look heinous. And generally the food at those places looks BETTER on TV. Don't know what they were thinking with those ads.
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