Anyway, when I got to the peanut butter aisle, there it was.

Marshmallow Fluff. Haven't had this shit since I was a kid. Remember Fluff-a-nutters? I haven't tried one yet. Need Wonder white bread for that.
But I have done a little Fluff on Hershey's chocolate bars and man, oh man is it brilliant!
This stuff is good for you. Right? Corn syrup, sugar, dried egg whites and vanilla. Sounds healthy to me. And it presented in a non-plastic (glass) container. So it is environmentally safe as well. Carbon footprint and all. That doesn't make any sense, does it? Sigh.
When was the last time you had some Fluff?
Note: Remember to play the Bug-Eyed Trivia Challenge every day. What the fluff, man?.
I love fluff. anything marshmallow is yummy. I HATE peanut butter I use to keep fluff in my house and eat it the way people eat PB, take a spoon and just eat it, but after one time it's gross in the fridge so I stopped doing that after a bit.
Now I want fluff so I am gonna go buy some thanks
i prefer regular marshmallows, speared with a fork and toasted over a candle, a piece of a hershey's bar and graham crackers. oh i am not even kidding. until my desk exploded with paper, i used to make them at my desk at work. now i make them on my coffee table in my living room.
creamy jif peanut butter makes me happy. that fluff stuff is pretty good. but i don't wanna combine em.
Became addictedto peanut butter over christmas. Have it on my toast every morning now!
Rachel - then my work here is done. ;)
Becky - I haven't gone there yet with combining them, but it's gonna happen. LEt's see how good my memory is, because I used to love them.
Mapstew - Heya! I never crave PB, but it's good to have in the house.
I would say i had one 5 or 6 years ago(before the type 2 diabetes kicked in), probably. I think you might find they are still pretty good.I'll be curious to hear your reaction.
FLUFF!!! I am so there!!!
And you already know my thoughts on peanut butter!!!
It may be kinda hard for me, though to eat the fluff due to the corn syrup and dried egg whites. I will try hard to overlook that!!!
You guys don't buy peanut butter regularly? We always have some - nothing better than a PB&J sandwich. Unless you add Fluff!
That stuff is amazing. Now I want some. in about five minutes. Hershey's chocolate and Fluff?? Genius.
Paticus - I'll let you know.
Michelle - I know you like the PB.
Avitable - yeah, not a real big fan of peanut butter. I started buying it recently with the really big Hershey bars to have around the house as a snack. I don't think I've had a PB&J in over 25 years.
Candy - pure genius!
There was a time in Junior High that I used to go through jars of this fairly quickly... I don't even remember what I did with it... eat it plain?
I had never had a Fluffernutter until seeing Chris ask his mother to make him one (several times) on the Sopranos.
I assume it's an East Coast thing.
Ookami - that's how I like it. But I'm a marshmallow freak.
ajooja - I don't remember that on the Sopranos. Maybe it is an east coast thing. I dunno.
Woohoo!! I had that at my babysitter's house when I was about seven. With peanut butter!! Then, we found out it has lard in it... boo for religion. :)
Never had fluff. My boyfriend fluffs though, does that count?
- Jennifer
Faiqa - the ingredients now don't mention lard. But religion! ;)
Jenn - working blue. Nice!
peanut butter - yes
fluff - no
i'll take ya'll's word that it's good, sugar! xoxox
um, did I miss the 500th post celebration or something?
I mean, wasn't it suppose to be today or something?
just curious
go fluff!
Savannah - it's marshmallow!!!! ;)
Holly - this was 499. Tune in tomorrow for 500. ;)
Only in America... What will they think of next?
AK - and we don't have vegemite (or however you spell it). ;)
I have never had this stuff. It just seems wrong to be able to eat a marshmellow with a spoon <[shudder]....whats next, gulping down a Twinkie through a straw?
Bruce - Twinkies are the food of the devil! What the hell are those things?
I remember Fluff. that shit stuck to just about everything. And it wasn't fun to have with cats around the house. Hard to get those stray cat hairs out of even the smallest amount of Fluff.
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