So my six-month experiment with growing out my hair is finally coming to fruition. It's now long enough to put in a top knot a la The Dude. OK, so I'm a bit more grey. OK...A LOT MORE GREY. White even. Fuck you!
Alright, then how about his buddy The Stranger, but more like Wade Garrett from Roadhouse? Does that work? No...crap!
Well, it should be long enough by the end of October to give The Dude his due for my Halloween costume. The goatee (slightly hidden, but very, very white) too! Just a little brown hair dye should do it. And a roach clip. And a white sleeveless jumpsuit with some tools. And Ray-Bans. And sparkly bowling shoes. Dream Sequence Dude abides!
And all yer gonna get of me is my fat hand over my fat face. I'm too pretty to be on the Internets. Deal with it, bitches!
Please remember, as the semi-hidden t-shirt says...Drink Real Beer.
That's good advice!
You DID it!!! Well, I can't see if your eyes are buggy, but hey, you have nice hair! Gray is not a bad color, unless it is your skin. Then, that's not so good. But gray hair? Well, first you gotta be thankful you have hair at all and then you gotta think, "Hey, I EARNED each one of these during my life!" LOL.
Yay for the Big Lebowski! Shut up, Donny!
Shit. You ARE the DUDE!
I like the rayban idea. Mucho kewl.
Teeni - No bug eyes on me. Just my avatar. ;)
AK - If it were only true.
Ann - They go with the jellies and the bathrobe too!
Are the jellies lime green? They have to be lime green. Any other colour is just gay.
Cool! You did it.
Maybe Dude's cousin or something. :)
Your Geriatric Samurai beats my geriatric lump of coal any day.
Ann - are neutral colored, clear ones gay? Just askin.
ajooja - it's getting there. Tomorrow I may head to the supermarket for some half and half in my bathrobe. Maybe pay with post-dated check. Maybe.
RW - If Kurasawa could see me now. I just know I could have been a major star in his films. The slow white dude who can't cut his bagel in half without risking losing a finger. I could have been comic relief.
Where are all the young bloggers? I think I'm reading the wrong demographic - all these damned geriatrics.
Avi - We're old, we're here...we can't rhyme.
Oh, and I started turning grey/white in my mid-20's...thank you very much. This is what 41 looks like. In my family, at least. Crap!
Grey is good! I started going grey at a startlingly young age and have never had anything but compliments. If you got it flaunt it! ;)
WR - I don't mind the grey. I did when I was in my 20's, and occassionally I get someone who thinks that I am quite a bit older than I actually am before they really get a good look at me. But Gia digs it...so I'm happy. Lots of my friends have no grey, but they are losing the battle on the front...if you know what I mean. Two fronts in some cases.
I think you've got really cool hair. Mine looks more like your avatar with that increasing-forehead look.
I really love all the references to The Big Lebowski. Definitely one of the greatest.
MikeB - Thanks, and I'll go check out that post.
wow, you finally did it! good for you!
just to everyone knows, he sent me this picture first on my cell phone..
so neener neener!
Slyde - I run everything by you first, pookie bear.
I thought the link to "Da Man" was going to take me to a picture of Jack Nicholson.
I want gray hair so bad, but I'll never have it. As a natural redhead, it's just turn all poodle apricot.
Yeah. Be glad you're not poodle apricot.
Steph - Poodle apricot is a color? Or is it apricot with tight poodle curls? Either way...apricot doesn't sound half bad. PS - I had no idea redheads didn't turn grey. I thought everyone turned grey eventually.
Redheads go white. First the red starts fading though. It does lignten as you age but redheads are not immune to the effects of aging.
Ann - phew! I thought the ginger gene might be something like a super-hero gene. ;)
You mean I can look forward to looking like I'm wearing a powdered wig? Cool! I can deal with that.
Thanks Miss Ann!
Odd though, because my red, which was always kind of strawberry blond, has darkened as I've gotten older. I want the white! I want the white!
I always imagained you being taller and darker.....but I gotta love someone that thinks of the Halloween costume 10 months in advance.
Steph - Not a lot of folks want the white. You're cool in my book.
Lotus - How can you tell how tall I am from the picture? I'm 5'10", by the way.
WEEE! That's a very pretty pony tail you have there earl!!
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