My stat counter - I dunno why I ever had this up in the first place. Vanity? Maybe. But it never really made much sense to me. I mean there is no way the number actually reflected the real people who read this crap. Judging from the people who leave comments, I would think a more accurate number is around 10-15 loyalists. That's just fine with me.
My Excellent Award - I know this blog is far from excellent. I don't even recall who gave it to me, but thanks whoever (whomever?) you are! So let's get rid of that vanity plate. Sensing a theme here?
My Blogger Logo - I honestly don't know why I ever put that up. Who gives a crap if I'm powered by Blogger? Except maybe Blogger. What was I thinking?
Nada. Scratch. Bupkiss. Any ideas?
But there is one thing I would like to do with the old girl. I'd love to have two sidebars. One for my stuff (my profile, archives, etc...) and one for your stuff (Bloglist, recent comments, etc...). Plus I think blogs with two sidebars look kinda nifty. And I'm all about looking nifty. Blogger, of course, doesn't offer a two-sidebar template. But there are plenty of custom templates out there or I can hack the html of my current template using Blogger tricks. But I'm a bit of an e-tard (no...nothing to do with Ecstasy), so that isn't likely.
Any suggestions from the peanut gallery?

I think I tried that once & it was a mess. Needs a pro to get two sidebars I think.
Hmm. Well, if you can't do the three column, then how about a different color background for the posts? Not that you need one. Just if you wanted a little change.
RW - the instructions on Blogger tricks were a little beyond me. But it's something that Booger should offer.
Teeni - Nah, I'm fine with the general look of the joint. I just thought it might be cool to have two sidebars. I'm waiting to hear from Steph about this. Oh, Stephhhhhhh!!!!
Naked babes. That's all I'm sayin'.
Completely agree with you on the two sidebars. From my investigations, it was easier to move over to Wordpress as it offers two sidebar templates. But that would have required actual effort on my part...
I would think that two sidebars would work just as well in Blogger, but probably only if you start from scratch when creating the basic layout. I'd suggest finding a Wordpress two-sidebar layout and then seeing if you can somehow adjust that to use Blogger's tags.
ajooja - and then make it a pay site, and then watch the dough roll in, and then retire to, and then RULE MY KINGDOM FROM ATOP OF MY PORN THRONE!!! Sounds good to me.
AK - There has to be an easy way.
Avitable - I thought of that, but there are lots of differences in the html codes of Wordpress and Blogger. Crazy differences. And I'm not a smart man.
see, im completely different.. i was as much room for the main posts as i can.
wordpress has a 3 column template, but when i saw what little room there was for posts, it just turns me off.
me, im gonna try to get rid of my margins, and decrease my sidebar even more, for even more room.
agreed; blogger logo can eat my ass too. never had one up, never will. but on my other thingy, i do have a stat counter, but that's just a function of my narcissism
Slyde - I'm not going to decrease the size of my main window, in fact I'd like to increase it. I just would like to have two small sidebars. One on each side. Just like tits. Speaking of tits...
Whiskey Tits - Long time, no see. In this incarnation, at least. And Blogger can only eat my ass if it asks me real nice. Or if it buys me a nice dinner first. I'm not easy.
i really wanted 2 sidebars too, but it never panned out for me - i guess it's not in the blogger stars. Instead, i had Schmutzie over at www.schmutzie.com reconfigure my site to make my posts wider which has sated my need for 2 sidebars....for now....
i still have the dream of one day actually learning how to design websites, if only for the purpose of making my blog awesome. However, i'm a taurus, and i'm lazy.
Here's a site that offers free 3-column pre-coded templates:
I googled "3 column blogger designs" and got a pile of returns. I looked through the top 5 results and they all have 3-column stuff.
Try searching that phrase.
Less fluff, more content. Get rid of all the crap to make room for all the misc ramblings of your impressive brain. I just tend to keep mine really simple. I am sort of the anti-capitalist.
I think commenters are a tiny proportion of visitors to blogs and everything I have seen and heard confiirms this view. The vast majority just have a read and move on without commenting. Labouring the obvious - you never know who they are.
Diva - I'm a Scorpio and even lazier! ;)
Ann - Thanks! I've done searches for them and I know that they are out there. I don't know why, but I am hesitant to use one of those custom templates that you download off of someone's site. It's stupid, but I just don't trust them. I was hoping for...well, I'm not sure what I was hoping for. Surely downloading one of those templates is the easiest way. I guess I'll have to do that. Still hesitant, though.
Lotus - the only think I kept was my NC-17 rating. I kinda like that.
WR - You are probably right about that. But I don't count them as a reader unless they interact in one way or another.
I know what you mean about the Excellent Blog Logo. I got one quite a while back but never put it up on my blog. It seemed damned vain to do so. The only logo that I ever put up was when a reader awarded me the 'Lots of Porn' award. Now that was something to be proud of.
Evyl - the "Lots of Porn" award is definitely a keeper. Wear it proudly.
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